
  • Meaning of Tuffy:
  • Category: Unusual
Average: 3.8 (61 votes)



tuffy is a so sweet name for a dog luvvvvvvvvvv uuuuuuuuuuuu..........


My 8 year old pom's name is tuffy!! i love him like crazy!


tuffy means choclate


I love this name i think i will name my dog this! She is such a raskle!!!!!!!!!


I used o have a dog named this. My mom named him Tuffy becaue when he was a puppy he was fearful about everything.

She said to him , "You're a wimp so you need a wimpy name." and she came up with Tuffy.


I search and thought 4 a name 2 my really puppy, i found this name and 2day it bear the name, i love it is a very nice name for dogs


I search and thought 4 a name 2 my little puppy, i found this name and 2day it bears the name, i love it is a very nice name for dogs


My dog's name was Tuffy!!
I have no idea how i came up with that name! lol

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